Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lets start hating Boehner now

The new house majority leader John Boehner turns my stomach. The man is going to waste precious time needed to fix the Disunited States economy by trying to undo all the work the current administration has done. The presidents plans are working, but it is just going to take time to undo all the havoc wrought by the Bush Administration on the country and the world.
The Republican's first act was to hold unemployment extensions hostage in favor of extending the Bush tax cuts including for the richest one percent of Americans. This is a typical Republican strategy geared toward creating an entire underclass of impoverished people. These are not the welfare queens held up to engender national disgust, and who actually comprise a miniscule portion of social services. The new untouchables are working families and head of households who who are earning less and less as business continues to send lobbyists to Washington to hold down wages. The Republican are fine with holding down wages. That's good for business.