Saturday, July 11, 2020

Summer's End

My late summer vacation has given me rest and time to enjoy the finest week of weather we've had here in New England this year, August 2009. It hasn't rained a day since my vacation started. It's a stay-cation actually. Like so may others I don't have the money to go anywhere so I'm staying at home. It hasn't been without its bumps. My car broke down, again and had to be towed to the garage, again. But it's fixed now. My daughter moved from her Fitchburg apartment to live with my mother in Ashburnham. That's going to be hard for all of them, but easier in some ways for my mother. I hope they all learn the lessons they needed to learn from the last time they lived together and don't the the perfect be the enemy of the good. My mother is set in hers ways. She is 83, and lost my father last year. She has always cared for someone, and the time she's had to live alone has been lonely for her. We try to visit, but as adults we have lives of our own and responsibilities to other people as well as to our parents. Finances being what they are after eight years of being crippled by Republican devil-may-care financial policies, the mess our nation is in will take a long time to fix. We are affected by it. I don't blame President Obama for our situation. He just inherited it. He doesn't have a magic wand he can wave, shout "Repairum" and watch it all get better. The television media is ridiculous. They are no better than the British Parliament in action. "Here, here, her. Mr. Screaming Looney is clearly an idiot." What ever happen to presenting the facts and letting people decide for themselves?